
Independent Contractor: Problems and Risks

Be Careful When Hiring an “Independent Contractor” to Care For Your Loved One By: Terri Murphy In today’s economic climate, everyone is looking for a less expensive solution for everything.  But when it comes to hiring someone to come into your home to care for your loved one, cheaper is not always better, and it may not be as much of a savings as you might think.  The use of private pay home care services is soaring in the United...

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What Is Palliative Care and Is It Right for Your Family?

There are so many different varieties of care that it is often confusing on what type of care you and your loved ones. Palliative care is one of those "types" that people are often confused about because it is a little bit similar to hospice care. This article from Family Care Alliance, we are not affiliated with the FCA, we just like them. What Is Palliative Care and Is It Right for Your Family?  [Note: The following FCA Blog post...

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Introducing In-Home Care When Your Loved One Says ‘No’

Victoria Lines, Hope Senior Home Care's Marketing and Sales Coordinator, relates to this article on a very person level, here is her story: "My grandparents are in their 90's and come from the "build it yourself" generation. My grandfather fought in World War II and owned a very successful car dealership, my grandmother was a teacher and professor.  They were both raised in small towns, and lived most of their adult lives in a small town. Up until the last...

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The Importance of Good Nutrition in Aging Adults

The Importance of Good Nutrition in Aging Adults  Eating well is important at any age, but good nutrition becomes even more important for aging individuals as their nutritional needs change. Adequate nutrition is necessary for health, quality of life and vitality. Unfortunately, so many Seniors are not eating as well as they should, and this can lead to various health concerns, such as a weak immune system, muscle weakness and decreased bone mass. This puts them at risk for falls and...

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Long-Term Care Myths and Facts

    Planning for long term care is one of the most important and often forgotten plans to make. Long Term Care can cover a variety of different care types and all depend on the kind of care you or your loved ones may need or want. This article from sponsored by might be able to help differentiate facts and myths about planning for long term care. We do not own any of the rights to this article! Hope Senior...

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Home Care VS Assisted Living: A Tough Choice

One of the many things we see and hear on a regular basis is the debate between In- Home Care or Assisted Living. While we would love for you and your family to consider us as a care agency, the Hope Staff always wants you to make the best choice for your family and loved ones. We will always help point you in the right direction even if that isn't home care. This Article from "Daily Caring" might help make...

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How to Initiate Family Discussions

How to Initiate Family Discussions By Terri Murphy I am often asked, “How do I initiate a conversation with my parents to address the concerns that I have”? This is not an easy thing to do, but it must be done if you are concerned for a loved ones safety and well-being. Start discussions early before you are in the middle of a crisis. Include all family members. Explain your purpose for initiating the conversation. Make sure that they know...

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6 Cheerful Valentine’s Day Activities for Seniors

Valentine’s Day is for everyone! Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples – everyone can celebrate! It’s the perfect occasion for showing love and affection to family and friends. It’s also a great opportunity to spend quality time with your older adult. We’ve rounded up plenty of fantastic Valentine’s Day ideas they’ll love – 6 categories of activity suggestions and 4 thoughtful gift ideas. 6 cheerful Valentine’s Day activities for seniors 1. Create a festive environment Putting up decorations makes any holiday...

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Managing Your Parents Finances

Taking over your parents finances is undoubtedly one of the most difficult transitions for a family. Finances tend to feel like a taboo subject and often times it feels like you're taking away their independence. While it is for your loved ones protection, safety and well being here are some tips we've found from "Caring Daily". Caring Daily is a caregivers resource full of articles, websites and information. Hope Senior Home Care does not partner with Caring Daily. If you...

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Communicating in an Alzheimer’s World

Communicating in an Alzheimer’s World By Terri Murphy   It takes a lot of energy, learning, and patience to deal with Alzheimer's disease. In order to begin the process of dealing with communication in a world filled with Alzheimer's, you first need to make a simple important decision.  You have to want to decrease both your stress as a caregiver, and the stress of the person suffering from Alzheimer's.  You have to want to change the dynamic. Does the following...

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