24-Hour Home Care: Winter Tips for Helping Your Senior to Prevent Injuries

24-Hour Home Care - 24-Hour Home Care: Winter Tips for Helping Your Senior to Prevent Injuries

Unfortunately, thousands of elderly people fall during the winter. They break their backs, fracture their hips, and get many other injuries. For you as a family caregiver of your elderly loved one or their 24-hour home care providers, hopefully, the tips noted here today will help your elderly loved one to prevent an injury this winter. Keep Up with Physical Activity One of the best ways that your elderly loved one can prevent injuries this winter is by keeping active....

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In-Home Care: Tips for Healthier Aging

In-Home Care: Tips for Healthier Aging

There are many senior citizens with less than good health. If your elderly loved one is having health issues or if you want to help them to stay healthy, there are numerous tips for healthier aging that could be beneficial for them. If you or in-home care providers can get your elderly loved one to start following the tips below, it could potentially help them to stay healthier for much longer than if they aren’t using these tips. Nutrition Matters...

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Home Care Assistance: Signs of Stress in the Elderly

Home Care Assistance - Home Care Assistance: Signs of Stress in the Elderly

Stress can tear people apart in no time. One minute someone might be fine, but when stressful thoughts start filling their mind, it may cycle them into negative thinking for quite a while. Stress is also bad for a person’s mental and physical health. Are you a family caregiver? How can you tell if your elderly loved one is stressed out? Luckily, there are usually signs you or professional home care assistance providers will notice. Being Overly Tired Have you...

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Can Seniors Have Service Animals?

24-Hour Home Care - Can Seniors Have Service Animals?

Some service animals can be a great addition to seniors who live on their own. A senior may not be able to train a dog, but this is perfect for those who need extra help. 24-hour home care can help a senior live on their own while being watched after, but having a service animal takes it one step above. Service animals can do so much for seniors and help them stay more mobile. Between 24-hour home care and a...

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The Best Fall Activities For Your Senior

Elder Care - Elder Care: The Best Fall Activities For Your Senior

Fall is the best time for senior citizens. It is a time to get out and enjoy the cooler weather. There are many things that you and their caregivers can do this fall that will keep your loved one active and healthy.  Below are some of the best fall activities for your seniors: Exploring the Outdoors. Many senior citizens simply love getting out into nature. You or your loved one’s caregiver can plan out walks and outdoor trips. You or...

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Has Your Elderly Loved One Been Bored?

Elderly Care - Has Your Elderly Loved One Been Bored?

Boredom is setting in for many people these days. If this is something that your elderly loved one is dealing with, there are many tips that can change that.  Before sharing these tips with your elderly loved one, keep in mind that there is a difference between boredom and depression. Some people aren’t doing much because they are feeling depressed. If you suspect your elderly loved one has depression, you may want to recommend they see a doctor. If you...

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Home Care: How to Help Seniors Sleep Through the Night

Home Care: How to Help Seniors Sleep Through the Night

As a senior gets older, you may notice they sleep much less. You may be wondering how you can help them sleep through the night and if there is anything you can do to make it more comfortable. The truth is not all family members can be there all night long, and this can be worrisome. Maybe you have your own family, kids to worry about, or a husband or wife who needs attention. Home care can help take the...

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Senior Care Can Help Stop Unnecessary Risks

Senior Care - Senior Care Can Help Stop Unnecessary Risks

Every day, you may sit at work worrying about your loved one. Do they forget to take their medications? Did they eat breakfast or skip it because it’s too much of a hassle? Do they drive even though his eye doctor told him to stop? How do you stop your loved one from taking risks as they get older? You can’t force them to change their ways, but you and their senior care providers can learn ways to offer a...

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Caring for a Senior Loved One with Dementia

Senior Home Care - Caring for a Senior Loved One with Dementia

Does your elderly loved one have a form of dementia? If so, their condition will progress over time. No matter what stage they are in at this time, they are likely going to need some care. They may only need a little help. If they are in the further stages, they may need a lot of help every day. You can get help from senior home care providers. However, there are also some ways that you can care for your...

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Four Items to Add to Your Respite Care Plan

mother and daughter home care

Do you really know what respite care is and what it can do to help your family? Some people mistake respite care with hospice. When caregivers come to the place your loved one lives and provide home care while you take a break, that’s respite care. Families often talk about elderly care plans and when it’s going to be time for home care. Some focus on family caregiving and try to avoid the cost of home care. One thing should...

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