Summertime: The Best Time to Improve Our Health!
With Summer approaching, the days will be longer, the weather will be warmer, and our options for better health will seem endless. Explore the following tips for summertime healthy living:
1. Take your fitness routine outdoors. Summer is a great time to switch up your fitness practice. The warmer weather is the perfect time to head outside. Go for a run/walk in your neighborhood. Swim laps at your community pool. Enjoy evening activities while the days are longer.
2. Drink lots of water. The sun can hydrate you faster than you might imagine. Make sure you are getting enough H2O.
3. Protect your skin. A sunburn will increase your risk of developing melanoma. Using sunscreen can help prevent sunburn and any dangerous long-term effects.
1. Spend time in nature. Getting outside and enjoying nature is good for your mental health. The sunshine provides Vitamin D and increases serotonin, The Happy Hormone.
2. Create a summer bucket list. Make a list of the many things you want to do now that you can get outside. This will build up your excitement for the upcoming summer months and ensure that you get to the items you want to enjoy! Plan a picnic, go to the beach, attend a community outdoor concert, or organize a community block party. The possibilities are numerous.
1. Unwind. Getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather provides time away from the stresses of life. Soak up the sun and put your worries aside for a while.
2. Plan some time with friends…Summer is the perfect time to reconnect with friends. We tend to get busy and forget to plan time with our pals. Socializing with people we like and care for is good for our mental health. Share a laugh and take a walk down memory lane.
In the Kitchen
1. Load up on Produce. During the warmer months, seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables are readily available. Not only do they taste better, but they are also less expensive.
2. Fire up the Grill. When you grill, you consume less fat, preserve nutrients and gain health benefits.
They don’t call them the lazy days of summer for no reason. This is the perfect time to slow down, make lasting memories with friends, eat great food, and go on an adventure. As Nat King Cole sang, “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.”