Spring Into Things!

Spring is in the air! Last week's warmer weather got me thinking about what a great time of year it is to take our clients out to enjoy the outdoors! In addition to the physical benefits of natural sunlight and fresh air, being outside provides mental and emotional benefits. Experiencing the outdoors increases socialization and provides opportunities for us to interact with children and animals. In this week's column, I'd like to share some of my favorite "senior-friendly" activities: Catch a...

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Baby Step Your Way to Your Goals

We often kick off the New Year with goals to “change our lives.” Whether we want to lose weight, exercise regularly, or organize our homes, we jump in and give it all we’ve got. By the time spring arrives, many of us have abandoned the effort for achieving our goals -  however, as our name implies, we have hope! Obtaining your goals does not have to be an all-or-nothing prospect and you may just need a change of perspective relative to your goal setting. Making small changes...

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Food for Thought May Not Be Food at All

As I wrote in last week's column, March is National Nutrition Month. In discussing nutrition, I emphasized that it is more than what you eat - it's also how you treat your body, mind, and spirit.  In that theme, I'd like to introduce a new (to some of you) concept: Primary vs. Secondary food. When you think of "food," you likely think of what you put in your mouth - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition actually considers the food you eat your...

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Green Eggs and Ham? “You do not like them, so you say! Try them! Try them! And you may!

As you can see from the subject of our post, we're channeling the legacy of the immortal Dr. Seuss on his birthday and as we kick off March, which also happens to be National Nutrition Month! This serves as an excellent opportunity to remind us of the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle. In February, we identified ways a healthy diet could improve heart health. However, good nutrition is also essential in preventing and healing most chronic illnesses. Maintaining a well-balanced diet is critical...

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Take Heart: Exercise and Your Health

After a long day of work, family, and personal commitments, exercise may be the last thing on your mind – not to mention a challenging activity to muster motivation for! However, you’ll benefit across the board by adding exercise to your ever-growing “to-do” list. Very few lifestyle choices are as impactful as physical activity and, despite popular belief, exercise doesn't necessarily require a significant time commitment or intensity. Both moderate and intense exercise can drastically improve your overall health. According to...

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Personal Care at Home: Working Out with Weights for Seniors

Personal Care at Home: Working Out with Weights for Seniors

January is Shape Up Month and if you have a senior loved one that wants to get healthy and active this year weight lifting or working out with weights should be part of their plan. Aerobic exercise is a struggle for many seniors, but resistance training or weight training may be easier. Weight training has some big benefits for seniors. Even just working with light weights can help seniors stop muscle loss, burn calories, and get fit. Having personal care...

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7 Joint Friendly Workouts

As we age our bone loss often accelerates, causing a change on our bone density and mobility. What once was a nice run around the neighborhood is now a more painful and slower jog. If you are feeling less flexible and have sore joints after workouts – fear not. You can still stay active while putting less pressure on your joints.  These seven activities can help you stay active, without as much pain. Swimming. Swimming is a great low-impact and...

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The Best Fall Activities For Your Senior

Elder Care - Elder Care: The Best Fall Activities For Your Senior

Fall is the best time for senior citizens. It is a time to get out and enjoy the cooler weather. There are many things that you and their caregivers can do this fall that will keep your loved one active and healthy.  Below are some of the best fall activities for your seniors: Exploring the Outdoors. Many senior citizens simply love getting out into nature. You or your loved one’s caregiver can plan out walks and outdoor trips. You or...

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You Are Never Too Old to Get Moving: 3 Exercise Ideas for Seniors

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to slow down. While being active during your younger years can stave off some of the signs of aging, you might find as you get older that certain exercises start to hurt more than they help.  Whether you’re nursing an injury or looking to add some gentler exercises into your workout regimen, these low-impact activities will keep you get fit regardless of your current age: Tai chi. This low impact form of martial arts...

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Keeping Seniors Active This Winter

Elderly Care - Checking Your Parent’s Winter Clothing

Keeping active is important all year, but when the temperatures drop and snow starts falling, it can be hard for anyone to do so. Especially seniors. While it may be difficult to go outside and move every day, there are a variety of ways to keep your loved one active and moving during the winter months: Indoor exercises. Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body and performing even a minimal amount of daily physical movement can even help...

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