How Seniors Can Increase Their Circulation

Companion Care at Home - How Seniors Can Increase Their Circulation

Poor circulation is something that a lot of seniors struggle with. Leg injuries, being sedentary, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other medical ailments can all contribute to poor circulation. But keeping the blood flowing throughout the body is essential for good health and for maintaining mobility as seniors get older. Having companion care at home services can help the with this condition. Here are some things that seniors can do to improve their circulation like: Move More Everyday Movement is...

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Is It Age-Related Memory Loss Or Something Else?

Homecare - Is It Age-Related Memory Loss Or Something Else?

Aging is an event that is full of change and comes with difficulties and obstacles for you and your senior to overcome. Memory loss is one of the main concerns for seniors and their loved ones which will often times raise the question of whether it is age-related or something else. Age-Related: While it may be upsetting for you and your senior to discover, age-related memory loss is a completely normal part of aging. Common signs of age-related memory loss...

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How Elderly Care Can Help With Stages of Parkinson’s

Elderly Care - How Elderly Care Can Help With Stages of Parkinson’s

Over 10 million people worldwide are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disorder or PD. This disease is more likely in older adults after the age of 50 but not always. 4% of people who are diagnosed are under 50 years older. In the United States, around 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s every year. It can be a shocking diagnosis, and it may not even seem like anything is wrong with the senior or loved one. There are five stages to Parkinson’s...

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Ideas for Fun with Your Elder on American Family Day

Elder Care - Ideas for Fun with Your Elder on American Family Day

Back in 1977, Arizona's Governor Raul Hector Castro proclaimed August 7th as being American Family Day. It was signed into law a year later. Since that time, the annual holiday has expanded to many other states and shifted to August 1st. The goal is to celebrate being a family together. An elder care aide could accompany your parent if extra support is needed.   When was the last time your family gathered to celebrate your close family bond? Providing you...

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Most Common Aging-Related Skin Changes

Homecare - Most Common Aging-Related Skin Changes

How is your elderly loved one feeling about their skin? Many people experience wrinkles and other skin changes as they get older. This can cause your elderly loved one to feel sad, upset, or a range of other emotions. There may also be things that your elderly loved one is concerned about regarding their skin. If that is the case, you or one of their homecare aides should take them to the doctor. In the meantime, it may be helpful...

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Nutritional Benefits of Papaya

Home Care - Nutritional Benefits of Papaya

June is National Papaya Month. But, how much do you know about this nutritious fruit? It's one that people often overlook, but they shouldn't. Papaya is packed with vitamins and minerals that make it a great addition to older adults' diets. One small papaya provides these six nutrients. Home care aides can create healthy foods with this fruit. #1 – Calcium While papayas aren't as good at providing calcium as a glass of milk is, there's still calcium in the...

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Understanding the Healthy Diet, Healthy Mind Connection

Home Care Services - Understanding the Healthy Diet, Healthy Mind Connection

Exercise is excellent for the body, especially the heart. Few people stop to think about the importance of diet when it comes to brain health. Many studies have found that a healthy mind requires a healthy diet. Here are what the studies show and what foods you should eat if you want to take care of your brain for optimal mental health as a family caregiver.   What Studies Find About the Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain Connection One of the...

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Signs to Look for That Indicate It’s Time to Talk About Senior Care with Dad

Senior Care - Signs to Look for That Indicate It’s Time to Talk About Senior Care with Dad

  It may be difficult to talk to your elderly father about certain topics. Senior care might be one of them. Yet, if you are recognizing specific signs from him, it may not just be time, it could well be past time to talk about this potentially sensitive, but vital topic. What signs might those be? Below are a few that you might have witnessed already and, if you have, recognize that the longer you wait, the greater the risk...

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Five Signs that You Need to Pay Closer Attention to Your Senior’s Driving

Caregiver - Five Signs that You Need to Pay Closer Attention to Your Senior’s Driving

  Your senior’s driving is something that you’ll eventually need to talk to her about. But is there a way for you to tell that you need to know more now? The clues might be bigger than you think they are.   Her Vision Is Changing in General If your elderly family member can’t see, that’s a huge problem in terms of driving. Even if you’re not noticing any other signs of driving difficulties, big changes to your senior’s vision...

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How Does Low Humidity Affect Your Senior?

Elder Care - How Does Low Humidity Affect Your Senior?

Higher humidity levels can be seriously uncomfortable, but at the other end of the spectrum is low humidity. Humidity levels that are too low can also be really uncomfortable and might even contribute to minor illnesses that have the potential to become bigger. Your Senior’s Eyes and Skin Might Feel Dry and Irritated Lower humidity levels can actually pull water from your senior’s eyes and from her skin. For her eyes, that can mean that her normal tear film dries...

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