Are Your Mom’s Sleep Patterns Normal?

Homecare - Are Your Mom's Sleep Patterns Normal?

Your mom likes to nap in the afternoon. She's often up late in the morning and goes to bed later at night. How normal is this? Men and women do find their sleep patterns change as they age. It's harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. While it's ideal to get eight hours of sleep each night, older adults may find seven hours become the norm. When they wake, it can seem like it happens all at once and is...

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Is Your Elderly Loved One Bedridden? Here is How You Can Help.

Elder Care - Is Your Elderly Loved One Bedridden? Here is How You Can Help.

There might come a time when your elderly loved one needs to be confined to a bed. This is often referred to as bedridden. Elder care providers can offer assistance to family caregivers who need to care for their bedridden elderly loved one. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. In addition, you can find some important information here today that will help you care for your elderly loved one, as well. Patient Care for Your Bedridden...

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Music and Art Therapy Could Help Your Elderly Loved One

Caregiver - Music and Art Therapy Could Help Your Elderly Loved One

There are many things that can help elderly adults. Two of the things that studies and research have shown can help elderly adults are music and art therapy. These two types of therapy can help elderly adults in so many ways. They can improve mood, slow down the progression of memory loss, increase happiness, and so much more. If you want to offer your elderly loved one these benefits, you and their caregivers can work together to get them into...

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Activities for Elderly Adults to Do Weekly to Improve Their Heart Health

Home Health Care - Activities for Elderly Adults to Do Weekly to Improve Their Heart Health

Heart health is essential for people of all ages, especially for the elderly. Some data shows that about 1 in 3 Americans pass away because of heart disease. Many people who die from this disease are over 50. This is why it is essential for your elderly loved one to participate in activities designed to help improve their heart health. It is important for you to remember that your loved one might feel overwhelmed when they begin a new activity....

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What Might Be Contributing to Your Senior’s Stress During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Senior Care - What Might Be Contributing to Your Senior’s Stress During the Coronavirus Pandemic

There’s a lot of stress that goes along with everyday life but during the coronavirus pandemic there is a great deal more stress. Here are some of the possible contributing factors for your senior to experience higher than normal stress levels. Health Worries Are a Huge Contributing Factor Your senior may have plenty of existing health issues to worry about, but the coronavirus pandemic offers one more big concern. She may also be worried about your health and the health...

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What Do You Need in an Incontinence Diary?

Home Care - What Do You Need in an Incontinence Diary?

Incontinence diaries are a great way to ensure you’ve got all the information you need to get help from your senior’s doctor. It’s not as difficult as it might sound to track your senior’s incontinence issues, but there can be a lot of data to manage. Date and Time of Occurrences Keeping track of when your senior is having issues can help you to spot patterns that you might not have noticed any other way. There might be something about...

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What Can Your Senior Do about Shortness of Breath with COPD?

Elderly Care - What Can Your Senior Do about Shortness of Breath with COPD?

Your senior’s first experience with hearing about COPD might have been when she told her doctor she was experiencing shortness of breath far more often than in the past. COPD is a complex illness and it’s progressive. Learning to manage shortness of breath now is going to pay big dividends for her later on down the road. Exercise Can Help a Lot More than You Expect You might be shocked to hear that your senior’s doctor may well recommend exercise...

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What Can Older Adults Do to Protect Themselves from COVID-19?

The spread of the COVID-19 virus is what’s on the minds of most people these days. More specifically, people are concerned with protecting themselves and their families from the virus. This may be especially true for older adults and the people who care for them. One of the best ways to protect your older family member is to be informed about how the disease spreads and the recommended steps for preventing it. How COVID-19 Spreads When you understand how the...

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Can Dark Chocolate Reduce Depression Risk?

Homecare - Can Dark Chocolate Reduce Depression Risk?

Eating candy isn’t a good choice for your aging relative’s health. Or is it? It actually depends on what kind of candy they are eating. Research suggests that eating dark chocolate in moderation has several health benefits. Past studies have shown dark chocolate has physical health benefits, but a recent study suggests it may also have mental health benefits. Dark Chocolate and Depression Researchers at the University College London recently looked into how dark chocolate affects depression. The researchers used...

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What Are the Options for Sweetening Tea and Coffee That Work for Diabetics?

Senior Care - What Are the Options for Sweetening Tea and Coffee That Work for Diabetics?

Your mom or dad loves tea and coffee, but drinking it without any sweetener is not acceptable. You think your parent is sneaking sugar into these beverages and want to stop it. When sugar isn't allowed, what can they replace it with? Before you run to the store, you should talk to your parent's doctor. While some feel sweeteners like agave syrup are diabetic-friendly, it is high in fructose, which makes it a risky alternative. Ask for the doctor's input...

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