How is your elderly loved one feeling about their skin? Many people experience wrinkles and other skin changes as they get older. This can cause your elderly loved one to feel sad, upset, or a range of other emotions. There may also be things that your elderly loved one is concerned about regarding their skin. If that is the case, you or one of their homecare aides should take them to the doctor. In the meantime, it may be helpful to know more about some common aging-related skin changes.
One of the most common aging-related skin changes is wrinkles. Your elderly loved one’s wrinkles can be anywhere from mild to severe. Some elderly people only have a few wrinkles. However, others may have wrinkles all over their body. As people age, the collagen and elastin in their skin are affected by environmental factors. This can cause the fibers to break down leading to wrinkles. This is a natural skin response to getting older. It should be noted that if your elderly loved one smokes cigarettes that can add to their wrinkles. Quitting smoking could get rid of some wrinkles.
Dull Skin
Does your elderly loved one have dull skin? They may feel that they never have glowing skin anymore. They aren’t the only ones. In fact, this is one of the most common aging-related skin changes. Over the past few years, your elderly loved one may have noticed their skin is duller than it was previously. This is because skin cells change over time. Old cells die off and new ones grow. However, elderly people’s skin cells don’t grow back as quickly. This is normally what causes dull skin. You or homecare providers can help your elderly loved one put on lotion especially for glowing skin.
Uneven Skin Tone
Does your elderly loved one have an uneven skin tone? This is another one of the natural skin changes that happen as people get older. One reason for this is due to too much melanin being produced. When this happens, it causes melasma. The result is blotchy skin. Usually, there are dark spots and patches, too. If you and homecare aides remind your elderly loved one to use sunscreen regularly, this can help to prevent some of these issues.
Conditions for Homecare Providers to Watch for
These are some of the most common aging-related skin changes. It is important to know that these issues are completely normal. They just happen as people get older. However, as you read above, there are some things your elderly loved one can do to prevent some of these issues.
Sources: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/skin-care-and-aging
If you or an aging loved one are considering Homecare Services in Michigan, please talk to the caring staff at Hope Senior Home Care today 313.881.3132.