Take Heart: Exercise and Your Health

After a long day of work, family, and personal commitments, exercise may be the last thing on your mind – not to mention a challenging activity to muster motivation for! However, you’ll benefit across the board by adding exercise to your ever-growing “to-do” list. Very few lifestyle choices are as impactful as physical activity and, despite popular belief, exercise doesn't necessarily require a significant time commitment or intensity. Both moderate and intense exercise can drastically improve your overall health. According to...

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Time to Rest and Recharge: The Impact of Stress on Your Heart

As we continue through Heart Health month, I'd like to do a deeper dive into stress management and how it can affect your heart. When discussing heart health, we tend to focus on food and fitness – however, there are other major players in the health game when it comes to your heart: stress and sleep. There is growing evidence that stress can contribute to heart disease. Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize the impact daily stress has on our lives – we become accustomed...

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Hearts, Health and Happiness (and Hope!)

February is Heart Health Month, which explains why I've had hearts on my mind as of late (not to mention Valentine's Day is around the corner). While researching this article, I stumbled upon some alarming statistics.  The CDC reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 659,000 people in the US...

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Caregivers are Only Human – Guest Contributor Jill Gafner Livingston

Caregiving for your loved one can be an emotionally and physically exhausting experience.  For many families, the need for care comes on suddenly, and without the time and resources to adequately prepare for the circumstances. Throughout my career, I have counseled families as they make difficult and emotional decisions about the next steps for their aging family members. As a care provider, I found much comfort in the experiences and stories of individuals who have managed a care plan and hearing how they...

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7 Joint Friendly Workouts

As we age our bone loss often accelerates, causing a change on our bone density and mobility. What once was a nice run around the neighborhood is now a more painful and slower jog. If you are feeling less flexible and have sore joints after workouts – fear not. You can still stay active while putting less pressure on your joints.  These seven activities can help you stay active, without as much pain. Swimming. Swimming is a great low-impact and...

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3 Easy, Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Did you know that the majority of New Year’s resolutions are broken or given up altogether by the end of January? Many individuals have a “go big, or go home” mentality when it comes to resolutions, which often results in unattainable goals. While the intention behind these goals is good, creating such drastic changes can often lead to failure and frustration. Instead, try making a new, healthy resolution for 2022 that integrates small healthy changes into your life that you...

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Managing Grief During the Holiday Season

Holidays are often a time for celebration and time spent with loved ones; however, for those struggling with grief, this time of year can be difficult. This is especially true if it is the first holiday season since a loss. Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone or something.  Each person’s grieving process is unique and there is no “one size fits all” solution. That said, there are a variety of tips on how to cope with...

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6 Winter Safety Tips for Older Adults

Elderly Care - Checking Your Parent’s Winter Clothing

Winter is a beautiful time of the year. The snow sparkles and it’s the perfect weather to sit in front of the fireplace with a warm cup of cocoa. But, for older adults, winter also brings some safety concerns. There’s ice to slip on, cold weather that can cause hypothermia, and a risk for frostbite. There are lots of ways family caregivers can keep their older family members safe from cold and ice, though. Below are 5 safety tips for...

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Savoring the Holidays in a Healthy Way

The holiday season is a crazy busy time for everyone. Packed schedules with work, school and more can quickly throw anyone off balance. Whether you’re worried about staying on track with your wellness goals or find it difficult to maintain structure, here are five tips you can incorporate this year. The goal is to help you maintain health, balance and a more realistic approach to the holidays this season. It’s not all about food. Though the holiday treats are a...

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Use Your Family History to Protect Your Health

Elder Care - Six Ways to Help Your Parents Pay for Elder Care Services

Even though it’s not a super fun topic to think about, most people have a family health history of at least one chronic disease, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. If you have a close family member with one of these diseases, you’re more at risk for it yourself. This is especially true if more than one close relative has (or had) the disease or if they got it at a younger age than usual. Family health history is...

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