Most people are prepared for developing arthritis at some point, but that doesn’t mean that it’s something your elderly family member has to handle by herself. Arthritis might respond better to a well-structured plan, especially if your senior is dealing with arthritis throughout her body.
Her Doctor May Have Real Solutions
Just because your senior has arthritis and knows that it’s arthritis doesn’t mean she shouldn’t talk to her doctor about it. Her doctor can offer her some real answers to the challenges she’s facing. There may be some specific solution for her that she might not have encountered otherwise. Having an answer that helps is always better than trying to fight through a problem alone.
Reasonable Goals Can Really Help
Setting goals for her treatment might be something your senior has been avoiding. If the goals are reasonable and yet still somewhat of a challenge, that’s going to keep her working toward them. Having goals that are too big or that don’t have a defined end to them are ones that are likely to be abandoned. Your senior might decide to start trying a specific therapy or medication that her doctor recommends. Setting goals around that can help her stick with it.
She Needs to Get Used to New Patterns
Life has patterns and when something like arthritis derails the patterns that your senior already knows and understands about her life, that can feel uncomfortable for her. As she learns more about dealing with arthritis, it may become easier for your senior to learn to recognize the new patterns in her daily life. She needs to rest when her body tells her that’s what it needs and get moving when that feels good, too.
Having Help Is a Good Thing
Sometimes people with arthritis are reluctant to accept much help from others. While your senior should do what she can still do, there are tasks and chores that someone else may be able to handle much more efficiently for her. Working with home health care providers, even on little tasks, can help your senior to become a little more accepting of help in general.
It’s not easy to deal with the changes that sometimes come with growing older. Arthritis can be mild or severe, but the difficulties that it brings are the same. Talk to your senior about what you can do for her and how you can help her the most.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Health Care Services in Michigan, please talk to the caring staff at Hope Senior Home Care today 313.881.3132.