Ease Stress and Anxiety by Caring For Yourself Before Your Dad

Did you know that an average of 4 out of 10 family caregivers experience emotional stress? Rates of stress and anxiety are higher for caregivers who more than an hour from their parents. That stress comes from the demands of care, the time spent ignoring your own needs, and your own withdrawal as you focus on your dad’s needs over your own.

Join a Support Group

Your best support will come from others who understand what you’re experiencing. Find an online or local support group for family caregivers. If your dad has a specific health concern like Alzheimer’s disease or cancer, look for support groups that are specific to that chronic condition.

Having others to talk to is important. It’s even better when they’ve been or are currently in your shoes and really get what you’re going through. A support group also helps you form new friendships, which aids with socialization and companionship.

Make Time for “Me Time”

Take time doing activities you love. With “me time,” you shut yourself away in another room or another location and do something you enjoy. If you love the beach, go for a long walk on the beach with your dog or completely alone. If you like to hike, find a new trail to explore.

You could schedule some time at a spa, go explore a new winery, take a bubble bath, or go shopping for a new outfit. If you don’t want to leave the house, lock yourself in a quiet room to read a book or spend time on a hobby like knitting or painting. Find something you enjoy and don’t let anyone interrupt you.

Take a Yoga or Tai Chi Class

Yoga and Tai Chi are both forms of exercise that also help with relaxation. You learn breathing skills that help ease tension. If you don’t want to be around others, you could research the best Yoga and Tai Chi DVDs or find free videos on YouTube or your streaming device.

Don’t ignore self-care. If you want to go out with friends, don’t feel guilty. You need a break. Elderly care services can free up your time, which gives you time to socialize, run errands, or sit and relax. An elderly care representative can help you find the right caregivers to provide respite care services as often as you and your dad need. Call now.

Sources:  https://www.caregiver.org/caregiver-statistics-demographics

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Caregiver Services in Michigan, please talk to the caring staff at Hope Senior Home Care today 313.881.3132.