Stress can tear people apart in no time. One minute someone might be fine, but when stressful thoughts start filling their mind, it may cycle them into negative thinking for quite a while. Stress is also bad for a person’s mental and physical health. Are you a family caregiver? How can you tell if your elderly loved one is stressed out? Luckily, there are usually signs you or professional home care assistance providers will notice.
Being Overly Tired
Have you been noticing your elderly loved one getting really tired early in the morning or in the middle of the day? Sure, people go through cycles throughout the day where they are a little more exhausted than usual. However, your elderly loved one should not be overly tired, especially if they aren’t really doing a lot. If your elderly loved one is too tired, you or a home care assistance provider should talk to them about it. Maybe, there is something you can do to help lower their stress level.
Being More Irritable Than Usual
Everyone is irritable from time to time. However, if you or a home care assistance provider notice your elderly loved one is more irritable than usual, it could be a sign they are stressed. For example, you might notice your elderly loved one raises their voice at you when there isn’t really a reason to do so. The home care provider may notice your elderly loved one being agitated over something small that happens. If your elderly loved one is being more irritable than usual, they may need some extra help, so they can take time to relax.
Physical Pain
Another sign of being stressed is having more physical pain than usual. Many senior citizens struggle with physical pain. However, having high stress levels can lead to worsened back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain. If there doesn’t seem to be any other reason why your elderly loved one would be in this much pain, you should ask them how they are doing mentally and emotionally. You may find out there are things that are causing your elderly loved one to be more stressed these days. Once determining the cause of that stress, hopefully, you and home care assistance providers can help your loved one to relax and find a sense of calm in their life.
Having Home Care Assistance Step In
There are many reasons why senior citizens may get stressed. When caring for your elderly loved one, it is important to notice the signs of high stress. The sooner you can pinpoint what has your elderly loved one so stressed, the sooner you and home care assistance providers can help them to relax.
Source: https://www.elderly.gov.hk/english/healthy_ageing/mental_health/stress.html