Your loved one is a wonderful individual. They taught you table manners, made you wash behind your ears, and taught you to have a compassion for orthers. They listened to your stories and gave you the best birthday presents. Now they need your help with bathing and dressing, but they are very modest and don’t want their loved ones helping with these highly personal tasks.
The Utmost Respect
There’s no doubt it can be awkward when children and grandchildren suddenly become the caregivers and have to assist with personal tasks that can make everyone involved uncomfortable. Having someone outside the family to help with these duties allows the senior to maintain his or her sense of dignity, and to keep the details of health issues confidential while remaining sensitive to family relationships.
Personal Services Assistance
- Assistance with Eating
- Assistance with Grooming
- Assistance with Dressing
- Assistance with Bathing
- Assistance with Incontinence
- Assistance with Cognitive Impairment
- Assistance with Mobility
- Medication Reminders